Role of error-based activities in the development of mathematical thinking skills
Development of mathematical thinking skills
This study aims to examine the development of the mathematical thinking skills of pre-service elementary mathematics teachers through error-based activity practices. The study group of the research consisted of five pre-service mathematics teachers studying at a Turkish university. In selecting the study group, the criterion sampling method that is one of the purposive sampling methods was employed. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews with pre-service teachers and diaries kept by them. Data were analyzed using the descriptive analysis method. Based on the findings obtained from the study, the error-based activities were observed to positively affect specifically the specialization and generalization processes of pre-service teachers. Following these two processes, the assumption and persuasion processes of the pre-service teachers were also revealed to have improved with the practice of error-based activity implementation. In conclusion, error-based activities were observed to have positively affected the mathematical thinking processes of pre-service teachers.
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