Factors affecting school climate in Türkiye: A meta analysis study
School climate in Türkiye
This study aimed to determine the factors affecting the school climate and their effect sizes. In 107 studies examined within the scope of literature review, it was found out that the relationship between school climate and 143 variables was reviewed and the total sample size was determined as 49.577. The results of the analysis performed using the random effects model revealed that among the factors affecting the school climate, the effect size of the variables related to students and families are lower and the effect size related to the school and educators are moderate. Among the most frequently examined factors, it was further determined that the effect of the leadership of the educator and school engagement (which is one of the variables related to the school) on school climate is positive and are at moderate levels whereas the effect of aggression and violence related to students are negative and the effect size is lower. Factors related to educators such as leadership, job satisfaction, burnout, performance, communication, conflict management, value system, reliability, student control, professional learning, managerial skills and factors related to students such as violence, success, problematic internet use, life satisfaction, human value have been determined to play a moderator role in the school climate. In addition; the level of education was determined to be the only variable, among the variables of level of education, type of publication and region, which had a moderator role on the school climate.
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