The learning management for computational thinking skill development based on STEM competency-based learning
Computational thinking skill development based on STEM competency-based learning
The purpose of this research was to 1) establish activities to develop computational thinking skills based on STEM competency learning management, 2) to study the Effectiveness Index of the learning management with competency-based learning based on STEM Education, 3) compare the computational thinking competencies of students majoring in Learning Management Innovation and 4) study students’ satisfaction with the computational thinking skill development. The target group is first-year students majoring in Learning Management Innovation, Computer, Faculty of Education and Educational Innovation, Kalasin University that enrolled in Computational Science in Semester 1, Academic Year 2022. They were obtained through a purposive sampling of 14 people. The research instrument was the activities for computational thinking skill development based on STEM competency-based learning management, the suitability assessment form, academic achievement tests, computational skills competency assessments, and questionnaires on students' opinions on activities. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test for One Sample. The results showed that; 1) The learning management for computational thinking skill development with STEM competency-based learning consists of five stages: problem identification, related information search, solution design, testing, evaluation and design improvement, and presentation, with the suitability level of 4.42 ± 0.50. 2) The Effectiveness Index of the activities is 0.66, resulting in the students’ high learning progress. 3) on STEM competency-based learning of above the 70 percent threshold, with a statistical significance of .05. 4) The students were satisfied with the learning management, with 4.61 ± 0.52 at the highest level.
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