Influence of non-formal agricultural education on uptake of tissue culture banana technology in Kiambu county, Kenya
Non-formal agricultural education in Kenya
The study objective of this study was to determine the influence of non-formal agricultural education on uptake of tissue culture banana in Kiambu County, Kenya. The theoretical foundation for this study was diffusion innovation theory and technology acceptance model. This study utilized a descriptive survey research design. The target population for the study were 1881 farmers in the 12 sub-counties in Kiambu County. The purposive sampling method was used to select 6 sub-counties which included Gatundu South, Thika Town, Githunguri, Kiambu, Kabete and Limuru. Therefore, the sample size for the study was 302 farmers from 6 sub-counties in Kiambu County. Primary data was collected using questionnaires. Descriptive statistics was adopted to analyze quantitative data. A linear regression analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between non-formal agricultural education and the uptake of improved agricultural technology. The study found that non-formal agricultural education had a significant and positive influence on uptake of tissue culture banana in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study concludes that non-formal agricultural education has a significant influence on uptake of improved agricultural technology of tissue culture banana in Kiambu County. The study recommends that more vocational institutions offering agricultural education should be established in Kenya. This would increase the number of individuals in agriculture who are innovative.
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