Proposed typology and inter-university collaboration model for designing and implementing micro-credentials in Japan and the Philippines
Typology and inter-university collaboration model
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the internationalization of education require educational institutions to develop creative and innovative programs that are relevant and responsive to the needs and context of the people. This study proposes an inter-university model for designing micro-credentials in various fields in Japan and the Philippines. The proposed model is drawn from the experiences and expertise of three collaborating universities from Japan and the Philippines. The collaboration model also advocates micro-credentials that are designed based on the expressed needs of the potential learners and stakeholders, the expertise of faculty members, available resources, and the mandates of the universities. The study also proposed a typology for classifying micro-credentials which is useful in crafting policies in the design and implementation of micro-credentials. The proposed typology is beneficial in identifying expectations, learning outcomes, contents, delivery modes, and assessment, and in developing a credit system for micro-credentials
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