Delinquency Among Senior Secondary School Adolescents: Psycho-Personological Factors
Psycho-Personological Factors
Modern society today is replete with stories of in-school adolescents demonstrating delinquencies due to depleting psychological factors, poor economic factors, moral degradation, social laxity, and wanton crime of humanity against humanity. Hence, this study investigated some psycho-personological factors affecting delinquency among adolescents. Descriptive survey research was employed, and a random sampling technique was also deployed in selecting 400 participants in-school adolescents from 10 schools randomly selected in the Ibadan North Local Government area of Oyo state. Valid and standardized instruments were utilized for information gathering. The age ranged between 13 years to 19 years. Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The result showed that each of the psycho-personological factors jointly influences delinquent behavior among the in-school adolescents (F (3396)=25.458; R=0.647; R`=0.445; Adj.=0.439; P< 0.05) total variation of 58% and the most potent contributors to delinquency were family structure (B=0.625, t=10.483, p<0.05), followed by social media (r=0.588, p <0.05) than peer pressure (r=-0.053; p>0.05). It was concluded that parents and teachers must instill good morals into adolescents and watch keenly the kind of peers they move with. The government should put policies in place to address the problem of delinquencies.
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