The Contribution of Teachers’ Curriculum Literacy on Their Curriculum Fidelity
Curriculum Literacy - Curriculum Fidelity
Having sufficient knowledge about the curriculum implemented by teachers can be expressed as curriculum literacy. The knowledge that teachers have about the curriculum will closely affect whether they apply it as designed, in other words, their fidelity. In this context, the aim of the study is to examine the contribution of teachers’ curriculum literacy to their curriculum fidelity. The study was conducted using the correlational survey model, which is one of the quantitative research types. The research group consisted of 252 teachers determined by convenience sampling technique. The “Curriculum Literacy Scale” and the “Curriculum Fidelity Scale” were used to collect data. Mean, standard deviation, percentage, frequency, MANOVA, correlation, regression, and hierarchical regression analyses were used in the data analysis. According to the analysis results, teachers’ curriculum literacy and curriculum fidelity levels were at high level. There was no significant difference in curriculum literacy and curriculum fidelity levels ıf the teachers by year of work experience, the socio-economic environment of the school, and education science exam score variables. However, there was a significant difference in curriculum fidelity level of the teachers by school level variable in favor of primary school teachers. Furthermore, a moderate, positive, and significant relationship was found between teachers’ curriculum literacy and curriculum fidelity levels. The contribution of teachers' curriculum literacy to their curriculum fidelity level was found as 41.5%.
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