Assessment of Preschool Teacher Candidates' Music Literacy Levels: A Pilot Study
Music Literacy Levels of Prospective Music Teachers
Music education enables children and young people to continue their educational lives in a cognitively and emotionally healthy and happy way and to recognize themselves. Teachers are the most authorized people to deliver these aims of music education to children in the right way. Preschool teachers teach music lessons in preschool education. Teachers, who aim to raise individuals who are sensitive to society and healthy in terms of spirit, body, and mind, play a great role in our educational lives. The aim of this study is to determine the music literacy levels of preschool teacher candidates. The study group for the research consists of students studying at Eskişehir Anadolu University Faculty of Education, Department of Basic Education, Preschool Teaching Program in the 2021–2022 academic year. In the study, the survey technique, one of the quantitative research methods, and the "Music Literacy Scale" developed by Afacan and Şentürk (2016) were used as data collection tools. In the study, it was found that preservice preschool teachers' music literacy levels regarding their ability to recognize and apply the terms used in children's songs were at an average level, and it was concluded that the only music literacy area in which they considered themselves sufficient was the knowledge and use of method and technique in songs. It was determined that the music literacy areas in which pre-service teachers considered themselves inadequate were musical perception and use of voice, Orff method knowledge, and Orff instrument application skills. It was concluded that they were undecided in the field of educational music repertoire.
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