Exploring Educational Perspectives: Examining Postgraduate Theses on Authentic Leadership in the Field of Education in Turkey (2000-2022)
Authentic Leadership in Education in Turkey
The purpose of this study is to comprehensively analyze postgraduate theses related to authentic leadership in the field of education in Turkey between the years 2000 and 2022. The study has been designed using a qualitative research design, particularly employing a case study design. The criterion sampling method has been utilized for selecting the postgraduate theses to be included within the scope of the study. In this context, the scope of this study encompasses twenty-three postgraduate theses related to authentic leadership in the field of education, written between 2000 and 2022, as present in the YÖK National Thesis Database. The data collection method employed is document analysis, and the data collection tool is based on the thesis examination form developed by Tosuntaş et al. (2019). Categories that do not align with the study's objectives have been excluded from the analysis, and a category for the variables addressed in the theses has been added by the researcher. Content analysis technique has been utilized in the study to examine the current status of postgraduate theses on authentic leadership in the field of education, from the perspective of different variables. As a result, it has been observed that the number of postgraduate theses related to authentic leadership in the field of education is limited. A significant portion of the theses are master's theses. Data is generally collected from teachers, and in terms of thesis design, quantitative research methods are more commonly employed. Furthermore, when evaluating statistical analyses, quantitative methods are found to be predominantly favored in the theses.
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