Examination of Value Orientations and Levels of Tolerance of Teacher Candidates

Value Orientations and Levels of Tolerance


  • Aykar Tekin Bozkurt Gaziantep University


Individuals continue their lives by learning many values in life and making them experiences. Teachers play important roles in this process. Values education, which can also be described as the transfer of values to new generations, is among the main topics in our present day’s education process. It is very important for the success of education for teachers to perform classroom activities with an understanding attitude toward their students by keeping the value of tolerance at the forefront of the education-teaching processes. In this context, the purpose was to examine the value orientations and tolerance levels of teacher candidates in the present study in which the Quantitative Method was adopted. With the Screening Model Approach, teacher candidates’ value orientations and tolerance levels were evaluated by using the Portrait Values Scale and Tolerance Scale. A total of 351 teacher candidates who were studying at the Faculty of Education in the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year participated in this study. The SPSS program, descriptive statistical calculations, T-test, ANOVA Test, and correlation analysis were performed in the analysis of the collected data. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the value orientations of the teacher candidates concentrated on the values of Universalism, Self- direction, and Security at a high level. In the value orientations of teacher candidates according to gender, a significant difference was found in favor of women in the sub-dimensions of Hedonism and Universalism. At the end of the study, recommendations are included based on the findings.


