Examination of the Relationship Between Pre-Service Teachers' Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship Levels

Relationship Between Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship Levels


  • Serpil Demirezen Akdeniz Üniversitesi


The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between pre-service teachers' digital literacy and digital citizenship levels. The research utilizes the correlational survey model, a quantitative research method, and the study group consists of 260 pre-service teachers. The research data was collected using the Digital Citizenship Scale and the Digital Literacy Scale. SPSS 22 software was used for data analysis. In the study, the digital citizenship and digital literacy levels of pre-service teachers were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. The research concluded that pre-service teachers have a moderate level of digital citizenship and a high level of digital literacy. Furthermore, it was determined that there were no significant differences in the digital citizenship and digital literacy levels of pre-service teachers based on variables such as gender, grade level, and frequency of daily internet use. Moreover, it was determined that there was no significant relationship between the digital citizenship levels and digital literacy levels of pre-service teachers, and these two attributes did not predict each other. Due to the research results differing from several studies present in the literature, conducting in-depth examinations could be recommended to determine the digital citizenship and digital literacy levels of pre-service teachers based on various variables.


