The External Agenda and Internal Expectations of USAID Administrative and Supervisory Role in Liberia Education
Administrative and Supervisory Role in Liberia Education
This study looked at The External Agenda and Internal Expectations of USAID Administrative and Supervisory Role in Liberia Educational System. This work examines the impact of USAID role and how it is important on the country’s educational system. Together with other donors, USAID works with the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Liberia to improve the Liberian educational system's access, quality, and management.This study employed a questionnaire and the researcher conducted 20 focus group discussion for data collection of this work. This study is a Quantitative Research Appropriate thematic analysis was used as data analysis tool. Analysis from this research has shown that 66.4% study participants stated as agree that they feel most of the children received access to proper education after the intervention of USAID in Liberian education 66.4% stated as agree that they feel that there is an improvement of skilled labor in the job market of Liberian with changes implemented by USAID.62.6% stated as agree that there is a proper distribution of education materials and infrastructure for all the government schools with administration of USAID.
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