Effectiveness of Reading and Writing Textbooks Used in Special Education Practice Schools: Teacher Perspective
Textbooks Used in Special Education Practice Schools
Reading and writing textbooks used for students attending special education practice schools should be generated condidering the learning characteristics of the target students. The aim of this study is to examine the opinions of special education teachers regarding the effectiveness of reading and writing textbooks used in special education practice schools. In line with this aim, case study, a qualitative research design, was adopted. Participants were composed of 15 special education teachers who were selected using criterion sampling method. The data were collected through a semi structured interview form develped by the reserchers. The obtained data were analyzed using content analysis method. The results have revealed that participant teachers find the reading and writing textbooks used in special education practice schools insufficient, especially in terms of preparatory work and assessment sections. Additionally, the participants emphasized the need for simplification in terms of language and expression in the textbooks, and they highlighted the necessity of arranging the visuals larger and non-distracting.
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