Analyzing Illustrated Children's Books with Special Needs Characters: The Case of TÜBİTAK
Children's Books with Special Needs Characters
Children's books can be a functional tool for children to understand individual differences and individuals with special needs. It is stated that children's books on being with special needs are influential in developing a positive attitude towards individuals with special needs. This study aims to examine the preschool TÜBİTAK illustrated children's books about individuals with special needs in terms of their qualitative characteristics. A descriptive screening model was used in the study. The study used the criterion sampling method, and 14 books that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed regarding external and internal structural characteristics. In analyzing the external structure characteristics of the books, the design and arrangement criteria evaluation form developed by Demircan (2006) and the book information evaluation form were used. The illustrated short story books evaluation scale developed by Deniz and Gönen (2020) was used to evaluate the contextual characteristics of the books. The results show that most TÜBİTAK illustrated children's books for the preschool period, which are about individuals with special needs, are at an adequate level regarding design and arrangement, book information, and contextual features. These research findings have been discussed in the current literature, and suggestions for further research have been presented.
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