Learning Activities, Platform, and Support in Online Cohort Graduate Programs

Online Cohort Graduate Programs


  • Dick Eugenio Wesleyan University-Philippines
  • Katherine Jane Sawi
  • Rheynil Sagud


During the pandemic, higher educational institutions in the Philippines were given a good amount of latitude in innovating new ways to deliver education. The research suggests that the combination of having excellent OBE-based learning activities and assessments, easy-to-use learning platforms for synchronous and asynchronous engagements, and availability of learning support systems are crucial in the success of online cohort programs, especially for graduate students who, for whatever reason or several constraints, are only able to pursue further studies remotely. The study also concludes that online cohort educational models (OCEM) are viable and feasible for Filipino students, regardless of employment status (full-time or part-time), age, and gender. Areas that require improvement in successful OCEMs include student access to online academic resources and responsive staff from the various academic support offices of the University.


