Collective Memory Construction and Educational Inheritance of Ritual Practices of Bench Dragon Performance in Pujiang, China

Educational Inheritance of Ritual Practices of Bench Dragon Performance


  • Donghui Pan Mahasarakham University
  • Metta Sirisuk


The purpose of this qualitative survey is to analyze the ritual practice of the national intangible cultural heritage of the Bench Dragon performance in Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province, China, and to study the ways in which the collective memory of the local community of Pujiang is constructed during the ritual practice and how the intangible cultural heritage is passed on through education. The researchers collected data through literature review and fieldwork in Pujiang County, and the results show that the ritual activities, the shape of the bench dragon, the dancers, and the various voices in the ritual practice together construct the collective memory of the Pujiang bench dragon performance. Changes in the social structure and cultural values will lead to a break in the collective memory, affecting the inheritance and development of the Bench Dragon, and it is the responsibility and obligation of  school to take up the education, inheritance and preservation of the intangible cultural heritage.


