Perceptions of Primary, Secondary, Anatolian and Vocational High School Teachers on Values Education
Perceptions of Teachers on Values Education
The objective of this study is to reveal the perceptions of primary, secondary, Anatolian and vocational high school teachers about values education. The study group of the research consists of primary school, secondary school, Anatolian high school and vocational high school teachers in Ankara in the 2016-2017 academic year. The analysis revealed five themes: teachers' studies on values education, teachers' views on the adequacy of values education, teachers' views on which value is prioritized in values education, teachers' views on the studies conducted within the scope of values education, and teachers' views on the success of values education. As a result of the research, teachers stated that class and school boards were generally prepared for values education, the scope of values education should be expanded and new values should be added according to technology, especially peer solidarity. In addition, it was determined that teachers approached the activities carried out within the scope of values education positively.
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