Cultural Education and Instruction of Chinese Meizhou Hakka Mountain Songs in Guangdong

Education and Instruction of Chinese Meizhou Hakka Mountain Songs


  • Lin Yao College of Music, Mahasarakham University
  • Sarawut Chaotchamrat College of Music, Mahasarakham University


Meizhou Hakka Mountain Songs is an ancient and cherished folk music tradition rooted in the heart of Guangdong Province, China. The objective is to explore the cultural education and instruction of Chinese Meizhou Hakka Mountain Songs in Guangdong Province, China. Meizhou, often celebrated as the "hometown of folk songs," serves as a research site, providing a vibrant backdrop for investigation. Through a diverse array of key informants, including three scholars, three casual informants, and five general informants. Data analysis combines qualitative research methodologies, including observational protocols and interview questionnaires, to provide a nuanced understanding of how these songs are nurtured, taught, and cherished within the cultural and educational landscape of Guangdong. The results highlight the dynamic nature of Meizhou Hakka Mountain Songs, their ability to evolve with the times, and their continued relevance, even in contemporary contexts. This study underscores the importance of both formal and informal education in safeguarding cultural heritage and offers suggestions for further research and action.


