Designing a Microcredential for the Professional Development of Early Childhood Education (ECE) Teachers of a Private School in Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR)

Professional Development of Early Childhood Education (ECE) Teachers


  • Greg Tabios Pawilen University of the Philippines, Los Banos
  • Angelita Broncano


This study aims to design a micro-credential for the professional development of select teachers at a private school that trains early childhood education in Lao PDR. Using reflective dialogue, the study presents the needs, issues, problems, and challenges of ECE and the teachers in Laos PDR. The results show that access, quality, and relevance of the current ECE programs need to be addressed. The results also show teacher quality in ECE in Laos needs to be improved. There are various challenges related to the pedagogical skills of teachers, classroom management, content knowledge of teachers, learning assessment, and professional development of teachers that need to be addressed. The study identified several microcredentials that could be offered to teachers to develop their knowledge, skills, and professional competencies to handle early childhood education classes. There is a need to provide relevant professional development for teachers in the areas of content knowledge, pedagogy, learning assessment, and instructional materials development.

Author Biography

Greg Tabios Pawilen, University of the Philippines, Los Banos

Associate Professor

College of Human Ecology

University of the Philippines Los Banos


