A Comparison of Test-taker Performance on Independent and Integrated L2 Writing Tasks
Test Taker Performance on L2 Writing Tasks
This quantitative, descriptive study investigates the relationship between scores of test-takers on independent and integrated L2 (second language) writing tasks within the context of a foundation university in Turkey. Data were collected from 49 anonymised test scores conducted from independent and integrated L2 writing tasks. The independent task required writing an essay on a general topic, while the integrated task involved responding to prompts based on reading and listening materials. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare performance scores, revealing a statistically significant difference between the two tasks (p < .05). Specifically, the mean score for the integrated writing task (M = 70.92, SD = 28.32) was higher than that for the independent task (M = 66.02, SD = 23.96). Additionally, the Spearman rho test indicated a significant positive correlation between performances on the two tasks (r = .81, p < .01). These findings suggest that while there is a significant difference in performance levels, there is also a strong positive relationship between the two types of tasks. The results have implications for understanding how different L2 writing tasks affect test-taker performance. Moreover, the results could inform the development of more effective writing assessments and teaching strategies.
Keywords: L2 writing tasks; independent writing task; integrated writing task; performance comparison, assessment
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