An Overview of Music Education for Individuals with Special Needs
Music Education for Individuals with Special Needs
Special education includes many disciplines due to its structure. One of these disciplines is music education. Music education is of great importance for children who need special education. Like children with normal development, children with special needs are also interested in music. Participates in music education to the extent of his/her ability. While the non-competitive structure of music education motivates the child with special needs, it also offers him/her a new way of communication. However, in order for music practices working with individuals with special needs to achieve both educational and social goals, it is closely related to the adequate equipment of the music teacher who will work with them. In this article, different studies and researches on the importance of music education of individuals with special needs and the role of music teacher in music education of individuals with special needs are analysed and various information about the literature is given.
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