An Investigation of Critical Thinking and Professional Competence

Critical Thinking and Professional Competence



In a study conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1990 with 46 theorists from the United States and Canada in order to provide an interdisciplinary definition of critical thinking, critical thinking is defined as "making and expressing analytical, evaluative, conscious judgments to decide what to do and what to believe" (Evancho, 2000). Elements such as teachers, administrators, materials and assessment have an important role in the development of critical thinking. Especially the teacher ensures the active participation of students in order to develop critical thinking. The following strategies should be considered in the development and teaching of critical thinking (Berman, 1991). According to the results obtained by the Ministry of National Education (M.E.B., 2006) in line with the project studies carried out within the scope of the Support to Basic Education Project and the studies carried out within the scope of the provisions of Article 45 of the National Education Basic Law No. 1739, the General Qualifications for the Teaching Profession consisted of 6 main qualifications, 31 sub-qualifications and 233 performance indicators. 


