What Do We Know About Underachievement in Mathematics? A Review Based on SCOPUS and WOS
Underachievement in Mathematics
Underachievement refers to the inability of individuals with demonstrated potential to achieve success at a level consistent with their capacity. Although underachievement in mathematics has been discussed in many studies and many different forms, there are no bibliometric studies conducted on this topic. This study aims to examine the current state and development of research in underachievement in mathematics based on the data available in the SCOPUS and Web of Science (WoS). To do this, a bibliometric approach was adopted to map the literature on using the metadata from the SCOPUS and WoS between 1971 and 2024 in terms of the distribution of the articles by year of publication and average citation status, the most productive journals about underachievement in mathematics and number of citations, the most cited articles and authors, top countries in which the articles were cited most, the authors who have produced the most articles on underachievement in mathematics, their publications and corresponding author(s)’ countries, and the trend of words associated with underachievement in the articles. The main contribution of this study is the quantitative methodological design for examining the evolution of research conducted on underachievement in mathematics. We believe that this study provides a comprehensive review of the studies on underachievement in mathematics and provides interesting insights about the development of the field for future research.
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