Analyzing Mathematics Teachers’ Questions on the Concepts of Mean, Median, and Mode using TinkerPlots: A Focus on the Type of Mathematical Knowledge
Mathematics Teachers’ Questions on the Concepts of Mean, Median, and Mode
The purpose of the study was to investigate how the different types of mathematical knowledge, as reflected in mathematics teachers’ questions regarding the concepts of mean, median, and mode, evolve through the use of TinkerPlots. Six mathematics teachers participated in a 16-hour TinkerPlots training. The mathematics teachers’ questions were analyzed in terms of contextual, conceptual, and procedural knowledge both before and after the training. The findings revealed that, before the training, the emphasis was largely on learning and applying the procedural aspects of the concepts of mean, median, and mode. Following the training, however, there was a notable shift towards questions that not only encompassed procedural knowledge but also fostered conceptual and contextual understanding. This study underscored the importance of TinkerPlots training in shaping teachers’ approaches to statistical thinking, thereby enhancing their professional development. Educational implications for teachers’ professional development were discussed.
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