Navigating Psychological Dimensions in Foreign Language Education

Psychological Dimensions in Foreign Language Education




This research aims to investigate the relations among learned helplessness in learning English, foreign language anxiety, and academic achievement levels of preparatory students at a foundation university in Ankara during the 2022-2024 academic year. It also aimed to shed light on the psychological aspects of success, language anxiety and learned helplessness, addressing the o challenges in providing more effective foreign language learning in Turkey higher education level. In this study, the quantitative approach to research was adopted within a correlational model in a descriptive survey framework. A total of 142 students from different high school backgrounds participated in the current study. The instruments for data collection were the learned helplessness in English scale, the Foreign Language Anxiety Scale and the cumulative English proficiency scores of the students reflecting their performance in all four language skills. Descriptive statistics, independent samples t-tests, Kruskal-Wallis tests, and Pearson correlation analysis were among the analytical methods used in the research. Normality tests and removal of data outliers were performed to analyze the dataset. According to the research findings, a moderate level of foreign language anxiety and learned helplessness were revealed among the students. Students' achievement scores also differed significantly according to their gender: female students outperformed their male peers significantly; however, no significant gender-based differences were present on anxiety and learned helplessness. Moreover, achievement differed according to school types—the state Anatolian High School students outperformed those from private schools. The correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant positive relation between foreign language anxiety and learned helplessness, thus pointing out how much psychological barriers increase the burden in a geometric progression and contribute negatively to learning outcomes. To sum up, certain interventions that could be made, some teacher training programs, and curriculum reforms that could reduce anxiety and learned helplessness to serve the purpose of creating a supportive learning environment. In this way, the Turkish educational institutions will be capable of improving the learning results of foreign languages and setting up students for the demands of a more global world.

Keywords: Foreign language anxiety, learned helplessness, achievement,  university students


