Tension between Keyword Method and Root Analysis in Teaching Vocabulary Recall: Addis Kidam General Secondary and Preparatory School in Focus, Awi Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia


  • Solomon Melesse Mengistie Bahir Dar University


The present study aims at investigating the tension between Keyword methods of teaching to root analysis in teaching EFL students’ vocabulary recalling. Since the design of the study is quasi-experimental, pre-test and post-test, two intact groups that comprised a total of 80 students participated in the study. Grade 11 section ‘C’ Students (n=40) were assigned as the experimental group and grade 11section’D’ students (n=40) were assigned as a control group by a lottery technique. The researchers used teacher-made tests as a main data gathering tool. A quasi-experimental research design is held via administering pre-test for both the control and experimental groups to see the students’ background similarity. Students’ score in the pretest witnessed that the two groups were similar. Then, treatment was given for 48 hours for each group by arranging an extra class. The experimental group was taught through keyword teaching method whereas the control group was taught through the traditional teaching method that is root analysis in a context in the textbook. In the end, post-test was administered to gauge the effect of the keyword method on improving the vocabulary proficiency of the learners. The data were analyzed quantitatively through the independent samples t-test and paired samples t-test. The result of the research work revealed that participants in the experimental group who were taught through keyword method outperformed participants who were taught through the traditional vocabulary teaching method. From this, the researchers conclude that keyword method had a significant effect on promoting the vocabulary recalling proficiency of the students than the traditional method. Therefore, teachers and concerned bodies should play their role so that the keyword method could be used as a better alternative vocabulary teaching method in the future in our country.

Author Biography

Solomon Melesse Mengistie, Bahir Dar University

Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies, Associate Professor


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