Evaluation of Outcomes-based Private Junior High School English Curricula Using Stake’s Congruence-Contingency Model Evaluation of Outcomes-based Private Junior High School English Curricula Using Stake’s Congruence-Contingency Model
Outcomes-based education (OBE) is a current initiative in Philippine higher education institutions (HEIs) and high schools with widespread backing by government and standards bodies. However, direct studies of OBE intended curricula vis-à-vis their implementations in the classroom are lacking. It is, therefore, plausible and desirable that an evaluative study be conducted to be able to provide insights into the applicability of an outcomes-based curriculum in the Philippine junior high school context and learn from the teachers, the designers and implementers of the curriculum. This descriptive exploratory study looks into two exclusive junior High schools utilizing outcomes-based English curricula. Representative classes from all levels of junior high school have been observed. Feedback on the best practices and challenges to implementation has also been sought from the teachers. Findings show that OBE curriculum preparation had been tedious, challenging, and laborious. There have been limitations in time, training, and tools of teachers. Among the best practices noted by teachers are teacher knowledge on OBE, horizontal and vertical articulation, provision of clear parameters/standards of learning, aligned, authentic and appropriate classroom activities, and constant monitoring. There have been discrepancies though in terms of students’ mastery of skills and time for preparation of outputs. Students do not always demonstrate the intended outcomes (knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes) the same way and at the same time. Successful OBE implementation requires schools to have clear vision-mission-goals (VMG), collegial relationship among faculty who are experts in their discipline and pedagogy.References
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