The role of Cluster Supervision in Improving Primary Education Curriculum: In the case of Addis Ababa.



Abstract The study was conducted to assess the roles of cluster supervision in improving primary education curriculum. The focus of the study was to explore benefits teachers gained from cluster supervisory practices: professional preparation of cluster supervisors; the role of supervisors, principals, regional curriculum officers and parents in curriculum improvement and challenges of cluster supervisions. To conduct the study Survey design was employed by using multisampling techniques to select the sample wereda, cluster centers, teachers and principals. An interview was also conducted to enrich the quantitative data. Consequently, the main findings emerged from this study were: benefits teachers gained from cluster supervisors practice was insignificant; cluster supervisors and principals are ineffective in creating favorable situations for teachers to get in-service education; school visits by cluster supervisors and principals were irregular. Finally its recommended to arrange short-term refresher training and discussion forums; participate in decision- making process related to curriculum at all stages and the cluster supervisors should coordinate different groups of implementation and improvement of the curriculum, Moreover, the regional education offices, the zone education department or the school .should give orientation about the role and responsibilities of the cluster supervisors and allocates budget for school cluster supervision. Key Words: Cluster Supervision, Curriculum Improvement, Role

Author Biography

Endale Fantahun Tadesse, Southwest University

Southwest University College of Education Department of Educational Leadership and Management PhD candidate


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