An Investigation of Turkish Novice EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Lesson Study



This paper aims to investigate how three novice EFL teachers perceived Lesson Study, a Japanese professional development (PD) model, and its implications for their PD. This study was designed as a qualitative case study. The case in this study was three novice EFL teachers, who carried out Lesson Study during 2016-2017 fall term at the Department of Foreign Languages of a Turkish foundation university, and their implementation of the model. Data were collected using eight teacher reflective reports and audio recordings of 24 meetings. Data were analyzed through conceptualizing, coding and categorizing. Findings revealed that Lesson Study aroused teachers’ enthusiasm for conducting research and it also encouraged them to focus more on learning than teaching; however, the model was deemed demanding by the teachers who struggled to get accustomed to the pace of it. They suggested that a mentor would facilitate the process. In terms of its contribution to PD, teachers noted that Lesson Study encouraged them to pursue PD and reflect on their classroom practice. Findings of this study suggest that Lesson Study might be integrated into the PD of novice EFL teachers with minor adaptations and the help of a facilitator. The model might address the PD needs of novice EFL teachers who seek to work in collaboration to reflect on their classroom practice.

Author Biographies

Ilknur Bayram, TED University

Center for Teaching and Learning

Ozlem Canaran, THK University

Department of Foreign Languages


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