Pre-Service Language Teachers' Autonomous Language Learning with Web 2.0 Tools and Mobile Applications
Although the key role of utilizing Information and Communication Technology tools in foreign language learning and language teacher education is well-established in the literature, understanding the extent to which the student teachers of English are aware of and proficient in using ICT tools remains a key consideration. Therefore, this study was set out to investigate what Web 2.0 tools and mobile applications (henceforth apps) are used by student teachers in their personal and educational life. Consequently, this study, a) explored the familiarity of student teachers with available Web 2.0 tools and mobile apps, b) the frequency of the use of these tools, c) the aims of using these tools. The participants were 388 student teachers from two state universities in Turkey. The data were collected through a questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions. Descriptive statistics were used for the analysis of the questionnaire data and content analysis for the qualitative data. The findings revealed that most of the participants exhibited low degrees of familiarity and use towards the Web 2.0 tools and mobile apps. Results indicated that the most commonly used tools are the ones that contribute listening to and watching native and non-native English speakers. Moreover, student teachers do not know or use some technological tools such as corpus tools and virtual worlds, whose effects are well-established in the literature. One major implication of the results is that language teacher education programs offer a course on educational technology to student teachers of English.References
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