A Sytematic Review of Studies on Blended Learning in EFL Environment
Blended learning has played an important role both in English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning field around the world for years. However, no systematic review of literature has been conducted on blended learning in EFL environment. Thus the aim of this study is to review blended learning studies conducted in EFL context to draw a general picture of blended learning studies in EFL environment, to evaluate the current literature as well as to guide future research studies. A systematic review of 10 research articles published between January 2010 and March 2015 and investigated blended learning and EFL were analyzed. To understand the common themes, main results and implications/suggestions parts of the articles were analyzed using the content analysis. Three common themes generated are benefits of blended Learning in EFL environment, problems/challenges encountered in blended learning environment, and implications and suggestions for blended learning in EFL environment. Keywords: Blended learning, literature review, English as a Foreign LanguageDownloads
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