The Effect of Pre-Servıce Teachers’ Beliefs in Behavior and Instructional Management on Their State of Liking of Children



The aim of this study is to determine the state of pre-service teachers’ liking children and their belief in Behaviour and instructional management (BIM), to examine them in terms of various variables and to find out the effect of their beliefs in BIM on their state of liking child. This study was designed through correlational research model. As a result, pre-service teachers' state of liking of child was high. Their belief in behaviour management was more interactionist than their belief on instructional management and their beliefs in BIM and their states of liking of child differed to some variables. Moreover; their state of liking of child related with their belief in instructional management significantly and their beliefs in BIM together explain 16% of the total variance of their state of liking of children. The beliefs of pre-service teachers’ liking of children and their beliefs in BIM should be perceived as professional attitude and value rather than personal feature.


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