An Analysis of Graduate Studies on In-Service Training Programs Concerning the Teachers in Turkey


  • Harun Şahin Akdeniz University
  • Halime Nuran Caner Akdeniz University
  • Imren Akmaz Genç Teacher of English at MoNE


The aim of the present study is to examine the graduate studies related to in-service training programs for teachers conducted between the years 2000 and 2018 in Turkey. In this context; the content analysis of 88 graduate studies including 71 master thesis and 17 dissertations were conducted for the in-service teacher training accessible to the Council of Higher Education thesis centre. In this study, research methods of the graduate thesis, university and institute, research methods, validity and reliability reports, sampling methods, study group characteristics, study area, research area, data analysis methods and research tendencies of studies were investigated. When the research methods used in the studies examined; it was observed that the majority of the studies are carried out using the quantitative studies conducted through survey method. When the reliability reports were examined, it was found that validity reports (22 of 88) and reliability reports (36 of 88) were not reported. Similarly, it was seen that the sampling techniques were not reported in 35 studies. The majority of the studies used the scale and questionnaire as data collecting tools. When the tendencies of studies are examined, it was seen that most studies focused on program evaluation. Most studies highlighted some problems caused by the place, time and trainers of the in-service trainings. Concerning the findings of the present study, it can be suggested that further studies on in-service teacher training should be conducted in visual art branch as well.

Author Biographies

Harun Şahin, Akdeniz University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. at Akdeniz University Faculty of Education

Halime Nuran Caner, Akdeniz University

Teacher of English and PhD Candidate in Curriculum and Instruction

Imren Akmaz Genç, Teacher of English at MoNE

Teacher of English and PhD Candidate in Curriculum and Instruction


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