The Effect of Concrete and Technology-Assisted Learning Tools on Place Value Concept, Achievement in Mathematics and Arithmetic Performance of Primary School Students



The purpose of this study is examining the effects of concrete and technology-assisted learning tools on developing the conception of place value, mathematical achievement and arithmetical performance of primary school 4th grade students. The study group consisted of 4th grade students studying in different branches of three different primary schools. The students have been observed to be at equal levels following the application of “Place Value Test”, “Mathematics Achievement Test” “Arithmetic Performance Test”. The study has been conducted over 8 class hours with two trial groups and a control group. Based on study findings; place value conception, mathematical achievement and arithmetic performance achievement in trial groups using concrete (trial 1) and technology-assisted (trial 2) learning tools was higher than the control group where no intervention has been made. No significant difference has been observed between the "Place Value Test" and “Mathematics Achievement Test” final-test and retention test score averages of Trial 1 and Trial 2 groups, but there was a significant difference between trial groups and control group. According to the retention test results, obtained three weeks after the practise, all the groups did remember what has been taught to them. In this sense, it is deemed to be important to use effectively designed teaching tools in mathematics education to improve the achievement levels of students.


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