Vocational high school readiness for applying curriculum outcome based education (obe) in industrial 4.0 era
ABSTRACT This study is a curriculum relevance study that looks at the suitability of the Vocational High Schools (VHS) Curriculum 2013 on the implementation and impact of graduates in filling the workforce needs in the Industrial 4.0 era. The population of this research is the teachers of VHS in Jakarta-Indonesia, who teach productive groups in the fields of Machining and Automotive expertise. Using purposive sampling obtained 193 respondents. Implementation of this research in the April to September 2019. The data were collected using an instrument that consists of 75 statements with the fourth score based on the Likert Scale selection. Instrument indicators include 4 criteria, that is (1) Graduate Competency Orientation, (2) Learning Implementation, (3) Expected Learning Outcomes Assessment, and (4) Continuous Improvement. The research instrument has passed the reliability test with the results of a very high reliability number (Cronbach's Alpha = 0.872) and the validity test uses the R Test with Corrected Item Total Correlation 0.544 at the level of significance (α = 0.05). This means that the research instruments are reliable and valid. The suitability criteria are based on ideal criteria with the score category (X) "Very high" ( X ≥ Mi + 1.5 SDi ); "High" (Mi + 0.5 SDi ≤ XReferences
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