Investigating the change in career decision making self-efficacy levels of university students
The aim of this study is to examine the change in career decision making self-efficacy levels of university students. 29 students from different faculties of a public university in Ankara who chose the “Career Planning in Transition to Business Life” course as a non-departmental selective course constitute the sample of the study. Activities included in the career decision making training program developed by Işık (2010) were used during practice of the course. Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy Scale developed by Ulaş & Yıldırım (2016) was used as the data collection tool in the pre-test and the post-test, which was performed at the end of the ten week-practice. The data obtained were evaluated in SPSS 18.0 (Statistics Package for Socials Sciences) program, and descriptive statistics, independent groups t-test, dependent groups t test, and bivariate correlation analysis were performed in the analyses of the data. According to the results of the analyses, career decision making self-efficacy scores of students differed significantly in pre-test and post-test measurements, the difference between scores did not vary by gender, and there is no significant correlation between the students’ course grades and pre-test scores, post-test scores or the difference between them.References
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