Towards the acquisition of digital instructional resources for effective teaching in the 21st century classroom in Public Secondary Schools in Cross River State
ABSTARCT The study was on the influence of acquisition of digital instructional resources on the teaching effectiveness of mathematics teachers in public senior secondary schools in Cross River State. To achieve this, a hypothesis was drawn from the stated research question to guide the study. Literature review was carried out according to the variable in the study and the survey design was used for the study. Two sets of structured questionnaires, titled; ‘Teacher Effectiveness Questionnaire’ (TEQ) and ‘Digital Instructional Resource Evaluation Test Questionnaire’ (DIRCETQ) were designed by the researcher. Data were analysed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistic. The hypothesis was tested at .05 levels of significance. The results of the findings was that acquisition of digital instruction resources has no significant influence on mathematics teachers’ effectiveness in public senior secondary schools in Cross River State. Based on the findings, it was recommended among other things that basic training on the needed skills and knowledge on how best they can deploy and utilize these resources in the classroomReferences
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