The Paradigms of Teaching English across Cultures: EFL Teachers’ Perspectives


  • Leffi Noviyenty Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup
  • Ruly Morganna Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup
  • Fakhruddin Fakhruddin Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup


The present study aimed at qualitatively probing into EFL teachers’ perspectives on the paradigms of teaching English across cultures (TEAC). Five EFL teachers were purposively involved as the participants. The data were garnered from in-depth interview. This study revealed a variety of perspectives addressing TEAC paradigms. All EFL teachers showed their supporting perspectives on TEAC paradigms. They accepted the natures of English as the world lingua franca, mutual intelligibility and comprehensibility in English communication, intercultural communicative competence as the framework of English communication, supporting students to be intercultural English users, and bilingual as well as intercultural English users as EFL learning models. Their perspectives on TEAC paradigms likely indicated that they would hold these paradigms while teaching English in the classrooms. Further studies are expected to delve into the practices of TEAC so that the data could be of great references for other Indonesian EFL teachers to apply TEAC in the classrooms. Keywords: English, Culture, Teaching English across cultures


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