Cognitive development of children’s understanding of counting numbers using a rope

Cognitive development of children


  • Emmanuel Deogratias University of Dodoma


This paper addresses the ways that pre-service mathematics teachers used a rope in a daylong research meeting for cognitive development of children’s understanding of counting numbers in Tanzanian elementary schools. Bruner’s theory of cognitive development was used to frame the learning activity whereby the activity involved the representations of a rope (physical object) through actions to iconic, and finally to symbolic representations. Using a rope, it was found that counting numbers (0, 1, 2, ….,9) were formed, represented symbolically, and read. Also, there was a relational understanding of counting numbers among participants because the learning process is visually and doing oriented. The finding has implications in teaching and learning   counting numbers, including teachers can use a rope to teach the concept of counting numbers among children in elementary schools.

Author Biography

Emmanuel Deogratias, University of Dodoma

Doctor of Education in Mathematics Education, Department of Mathematics and Statistics


