Democratization of curriculum development: Theorizing naturalistic model in Philippine Madrasah education
Democratization of curriculum development
In contemporary education, curriculum development is imperative for the overall success of the educational system more so in sustainable development efforts. In the Philippines, the institutionalization of the Madrasah Education Program in public schools provides an opportunity to ensure access to quality and relevant education among Muslim learners. However, since the program’s inception in 2004, there are various implementation concerns including the curriculum and its elements. Thus, the study sought to explore and analyze the naturalistic model and its implications for curriculum planning in Philippine Madrasah Education. This study employed a qualitative inquiry and utilized a theoretical synthesis. The analysis revealed that there is a need to democratize the curriculum planning initiatives. Furthermore, the implications of the naturalistic model in terms of the platform as anchored to ‘Education in Islamic Perspective’ as the point of inception in the planning process is unprecedented. The concept of democratization has highlighted the narratives of relevant stakeholders as part of the deliberation to form a holistic consensus. In curriculum design, decision points must be achieved to include deliberate plans for implementation and evaluation. In conclusion, the challenge to ensuring sustainable development in the Madrasah Education Program is how to formulate genuine consensus from various stakeholders and create decision points that are relevant to the Philippine context.
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