Investigation of fourth grade primary school students’ self-regulated learning strategies and successes in mathematics course in terms of socio-economic level

Primary school students’ self-regulated learning strategies and successes


  • Barış Çetin Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University


This study aimed to determine fourth grade primary school students’ self-regulated learning strategies and successes in mathematics course in terms of socio-economic level. A cross-section scanning model was used in the study. The sample of the study was determined by the random sampling technique. The sample consisted of 65 students studying in 2 official primary schools in Gaziantep province. The data of the research were collected with the “Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Scale in Mathematics”, which was developed by Aktan and Tezci (2012), and the “Demographic Form”. The results of the study are as follows: There was no significant difference between the fourth grade primary school students’ total and sub-dimension scores of the Self-Regulated Learning Strategies Scale in Mathematics, and the income level of their families and the education level of their parents. When the success variable of the students in mathematics course was examined, it was determined that the students, whose mother had a high education level and whose father was a university graduate, were more successful in mathematics.

Keywords: Primary school; self-regulated learning; student


