Comparison of inspection instruments in centrally governed Cypriot Turkish education with some European Union countries which adopted participatory government approach

Comparison of inspection instruments


  • Merve Uysal University of City Island
  • Behçet Öznacar


The purpose of this study is to compare education and inspection systems and to reveal their similarities and differences in terms of structuring and functioning. Thus, it is aimed to make suggestions about education supervision in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus by determining its current state. In the study, the educational supervision systems of England, Germany, Finland, Spain, and France all member states of the European Union, which adopt the participatory management approach, were analysed and compared taking into account the availability of sufficient data. As a result of the research based on the document analysis technique, it is seen that France and Northern Cyprus have a more centralized control structure compared to other countries, whereas the schools in Germany, Finland and Spain are more autonomous. In England, schools are authorised to act more freely by choosing to obtain professional help from outside under the supervision of schools. In order to increase the quality of education in Northern Cyprus, it would be useful to carry out regular inspections, to include teachers in this process, and to establish a guidance approach.


