Description of teacher candidates' attitudes to playing physical activity games: Kırşehir Ahi Evran University example.
Teacher candidates' attitudes to playing physical activity games
The use of the game in the educational process depends on the attitude of the teachers towards the game. Attitudes are important as a guide in understanding the behavior of individuals. The purpose of this research is to describe the attitudes of teacher candidates towards playing games containing physical activity. In the research, the scanning method, "Personal Information Form" and "Game Proneness Scale" were used in the data collection process. In the analysis of the data, independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) across the scale, together with statistics such as frequency (f), percentage (%), weighted mean (X ) and standard deviation (SD), and Mann Whitney U and Kruskall Wallis in sub-dimensions techniques have been used. The eta square was used for the effect size. The attitudes of pre-service teachers towards playing games containing physical activity are at the level of neutral. While the attitudes of pre-service teachers towards playing games containing physical activity do not differ significantly according to the gender and grade level variable, they differ significantly according to the department variable. The averages of classroom teachers and preschool teachers were found to be higher.
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