Opinions of students and parents on the QR code-supported cooperative learning method
QR code-supported cooperative learning method
QR codes are now encountered in many areas of life. QR codes have started to be used in education as well, serving as a bridge between today’s world and the digital world. In the current study, it is aimed to reveal the opinions of students and parents about the use of QR codes, which are rapidly becoming widespread in our daily life, in cooperative learning groups in the science teaching process. The study was carried out with the participation of 6th grade (12-13 years old) students attending a state middle school and their parents with the focus on the accomplishment of the objectives set for the subjects of “Nervous System, Endocrine Glands and Sense Organs". The case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was employed in the study. The data were obtained through written documents and analyzed with the content analysis method. In the study, the jigsaw (II) technique was used in cooperative learning groups. The students themselves generated the QR codes necessary for the learning process on the models prepared by the science teacher. QR codes were used in teaching and evaluating the subjects. In this study, findings were obtained from students and their parents regarding the use of QR codes used in cooperative learning groups in the science teaching process, and it is thought that the suggestions made based on these findings will contribute to teachers and researchers who want to work in this field.
Keywords: QR Code, cooperative learning method, jigsaw II technique, middle school students, science course
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