Examination of college students’ technology addiction levels

Students’ technology addiction levels


  • Zeynep Dere Ege University


Digitalization is an unavoidable benefits of modern life Digital transformation and change continue to be experienced in every field. Adolescents have accessed many apps, including those related to their academic life, online in the past year. It is vital for the health of adolescents that researchers identify their Internet addictions and come up with solutions to remedy this. This study is a survey conducted to examine the Technology Addiction Levels of Students at Ege University. The data for the study were collected with the “Personal Information Form” and the “Technology Addiction Scale” developed by Aydın (2017). The sample consisted of 2.170 undergraduate students studying at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Humanities and Letters, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design, and Architecture, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Communication, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, and the Ödemiş [district in Izmir city] Faculty of Health Sciences. As a result, it was determined that 63.13% of the students had low levels of technology addiction. Significant results were obtained in favor of girls in the scores by gender. Significant differences were found in the scores by faculty and department. A significant negative difference was observed between physical activity and technology addiction.


