Cognitive, affective, behavioral and personality domains of EFL learning

Domains of EFL learning


  • Hakan Aydogan
  • Soner Özel


The main scope of the study is to investigate the relationships between English study habits, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, utilitarian value of English, attitudes toward English, self-reported verbal abilities, personality traits, English skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening), and English grades. A total of 210 Turkish students take part in this study (123 females and 87 males, the mean age of participants was M  = 20.91). The main results can be summarized as follows. Intrinsic motivation, attitudes toward English, and verbal abilities were in positive correlations with study habits and English grades. English study habits were in a positive relationship with English grades and all the self-reported English skills. Extrinsic motivation and neuroticism were in negative correlations with participants' English skills and grades. Extraversion, agreeableness and consciousness were in positive relationships with English skills and grades while neuroticism was in negative correlations with these variables. Openness to experience had statistically significant relationships with writing and listening skills only. There were no statistically significant gender differences in the studies variables (except in the case of the utilitarian value of English, where females' estimates were greater than those of males.


