Descriptive analysis of the education for sustainable development programme: Fundisa for change perspective

Fundisa for change perspective


  • Sikhulile Msezane University of South Africa


For teachers to contribute to the development of the environmentally sustainable and wholesome society envisioned in South Africa's Constitution, it was the goal of this paper to evaluate the effectiveness of teacher development workshops designed to equip teachers with environmental and sustainability knowledge and skills in the curriculum. In gathering and analyzing data for the study, a qualitative technique and a case study design were used. Face to face interviews of six teachers was used as the only data collection method. Results revealed that, in addition to encouraging positive changes in teachers' knowledge and skill acquisition, the program, as previously mentioned, also provided teachers with strategies for teaching about sustainable development by incorporating socio-cultural and environmental factors into the learning process. The training for Fundisa for Change should be made available to more teachers from a variety of schools, according to the paper, so that knowledge about the instruction of environmental topics can be spread throughout the province of Mpumalanga rather than being concentrated in a few schools.


