How did teachers feel during the distance education process? Memories and metaphors from virtual classrooms
Memories and metaphors from virtual classrooms
In this study, which was conducted with the qualitative research method, the phenomenology design was used. The study group consists of 107 teachers from various branches who teach in virtual classrooms of schools at different levels during the covid 19 epidemic. The Snowball sampling method, one of the purposive sampling methods, was used in the research. For the snowball sampling method, researchers, who are working in the Ministry of National Education as teachers, contacted the teachers in their environment. The question, “Who else can I talk to about this subject?” was directed to the teachers interviewed. Content analysis was used in the research. Opinions on the items were grouped, converted into tables, and classified under thematic headings through the content analysis technique. In the classification stage, the metaphors were read and reviewed one by one, and each metaphor was analyzed in terms of (1) the subject of the metaphor, (2) the source of the metaphor, (3) the relationship between the subject and the source of the metaphor. The same steps were carried out for memories. It is observed that teachers negatively place the most emphasis on the need for communication. When the metaphors of teachers about giving live lessons in virtual classrooms were examined, it was seen that images were used for useful and useless lessons. It has been determined that metaphors that are related to the unproductiveness of the lessons were used more.Downloads
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