Dalcroze method and rhythm in music education in Turkey

Dalcroze method in music education


  • Özkan Apaydın Dr. Teacher


The Swiss composer, academician and music educator Emile Jaquez Dalcroze brought a new perspective to education with different methods, especially, children’s gaining the sense of rhythm and improvisation skills, which is called Dalcroze method in the related literature. In this study, the role and functional dimensions of Dalcroze method and the rhythm phenomenon which are envisaged in music lesson curricula and which are accepted as the basis of music as the skeleton of music were investigated in Turkey. For this purpose, the scanning method was used and both national and international sources were examined. In addition, in the study, the basic principles of the Dalcroze method and the formation and dissemination processes of the method were mentioned. The results have revealed that the philosophy and the main principles of Dalcroze method, implemented since the 1920s, appear as an approach and method that puts the student in the center. The method especially gives children the chance to learn by experience, rather than an oppressive, compelling or purely musical talent-based education approach. It focuses on an approach that supports social development, self-confidence and creativity along with their musical development can be mentioned. In addition, it has been realized that in Turkey, with the transition to constructivist education since 2005, there has been an increase in researches and applications for student-centered educational approaches. However, it is not widespread enough.


