An Analysis of Gerontion by T.S. Eliot



Thomas Stearns Eliot, who is believed to be one of the most important poets of his time in the English and American Poetry, as well as today, left many poems in most of which he criticized and even rejected the Western Puritanist society and the principles of Romanticism. In this brief study, one of T.S. Eliot’s major poems, ‘Gerontion’ will be presented with other critics’ and this researcher’s interpretations. The speaker of the poem is an old man in an old house whose thoughts drift while being read to by a boy, and these thoughts form the poem. He misses fighting in the war and laments his presence in the mundane and common-place house (Basu, 2017). Since it will be useful to know T.S. Eliot’s philosophy of life and his background in order to understand and interpret his works better, his life story and background are also provided briefly in the first part of this study. In the final part, conclusions in connection with the society in which we live in were drawn from T.S. Eliot’s ‘Gerontion’.

Author Biography

Gültekin Boran, Gazi University

Gültekin Boran received his bachelor’s degree from the ELT program of Gazi Education Faculty of Gazi University, master’s degree from MA TEFL program of Bilkent University and Ph D diploma from the ELT program of the Institute of Social Sciences of Gazi University. He worked as an EFL teacher in secondary schools and as an EFL instructor in various faculties of Gazi University. Gültekin Boran is currently an assistant professor in the ELT program of Gazi Education Faculty of Gazi University. His research interests are micro teaching in EFL teacher training, teaching pronunciation, pragmatics, language learners’ motivation and error analysis in language teaching.


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